
Fine dining Budapest

Fine dining dinner experience for hospitality students

Fine dining dinner experience for hospitality students

For the first time in the Budapest fine dining scene, Laurel Budapest restaurant offers a unique possibility for hospitality students. They can participate in a complex fine dining dinner experience on 27 November for a remarkably reduced price.

The pastry chef of Laurel Budapest visited Jordi Bordas’s masterclass

The pastry chef of Laurel Budapest visited Jordi Bordas’s masterclass

Constant learning and the search for new inspirations are essential for the kitchen staff of Laurel Budapest fine dining restaurant. This time our pastry chef, Zsuzsanna Ötvös attended Jordi Bordas’s four-day pastry masterclass in Viladecáns near Barcelona at the beginning of October.

New Autumn Menu’s Debut at Laurel Budapest

New Autumn Menu’s Debut at Laurel Budapest

The new autumn menu called Golden Days debuts on 1 October at Laurel Budapest fine dining restaurant. In this six-course autumn tasting menu we would like to prove that autumn is not the season of decay; it is rather characterized by the abundance and richness of ingredients, it is the true season for harvest.
